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时间:12-09 来源:最新资讯 访问次数:222


December 8, 2023雅思长难句解析 | | 栏目推送说明雅思长难句解析每周一期,专业老师解读成功就是日复一日的积累本期作者:郑百慧例句1If climate change were to lead to their extinction, this would mean not only the loss of potential breakthroughs in human medicine, but more importantly, the disappearance of an intelligent, majestic animal.(剑 16 Test 1 Passage 1)1)结构分析层次一:主句:this would mean not only the loss of breakthroughs but the disappearance of an animal修饰:if.......extinction【if状从,修饰主句,表条件】结构总结:主句+状从2)译文分析:红体字代表主干,括号代表修饰,大括号包括小括号如果气候变化会导致他们(北极熊)灭绝,这不仅意味着人类医疗突破的消失,更重要的是,还会导致一种智慧、伟大动物的消失3)重点词汇:extinction:n. 灭绝climate change:(词组)气候变化breakthroughs :n. 突破potential:adj. 可能的medicine:n. 医疗majestic:adj. 雄伟的例句2However, there is no question that, as far as Egypt is concerned, it began with one monument to oneking designed by one brilliant architect: the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara.(剑 16 Test 4 Passage 1)1)结构分析层次一:主句:there is no question修饰:that........Saqqara【that引导同位从,解释question】层次二:修饰内部:主体:it began with one monument to one king修饰①:,as far as....,【插入语】修饰②:designed...... architect【done过去分词做定语,修饰monument】修饰③::....... Saqqara【冒号同位语,解释monument】结构总结:主句+同位从【插入+done+同位】2)译文分析:红体字代表主干,括号代表修饰,大括号包括小括号但是,毫无疑问的是:【它起源于(一位杰出建筑师为一位王国所筑的)纪念碑:左塞尔阶梯金字塔】3)重点词汇:monument:n. 纪念碑brilliant:adj. 杰出的as far as .... is concerned:(词组)就.....而言architect:n. 建筑师例句3For reasons which remain unclear, Djoser's main official, whose name was Imhotep, conceived of building a taller, more impressive tomb for his king by stacking stone slabs on top of one another, progressively making them smaller, to form the shape now known as the Step Pyramid.(剑16 Test1 Passage2 )1) 结构分析:层次一:主句:Djoser's main official conceived of building a taller, more impressive tomb for his king修饰①:for.....unclear【介短状,修饰主句,表原因】修饰②:whose.......Imhotep【whose定从,修饰official】修饰③:by.....Pyramid【介短状,修饰主句,表示方式】层次二:修饰③内部:主体:stacking stone slabs on top of one another修饰①:making......smaller【doing状,修饰主体,表伴随】修饰②:to.....Pyramid【to do状,修饰主体,表目的】结构总结:主句+介短+定从+介短【嵌套doing+to do】2)译文分析:红体字代表主干,括号代表修饰,大括号包括小括号(不知出于什么原因),左塞尔国王的主要官员(I)想要为他建造更高、更令人印象深刻的坟墓,【通过摞起石板,越往上石板越小方式,(以此形成了我们如今所知道的阶梯金字塔)】3)重点词汇:form:v. 形成main official:(词组)主要官员、要员tomb:n. 坟墓impressive: adj. 令人印象深刻的conceived of doing:(词组) 构思做....,设想做.....stack:v. 摞 叠progressively:adv. 逐渐的


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